Golovkin vs. Lemieux

Sport: | Boxing |
Promotion: | Golden Boy Promotions |
Date: | Oct. 17, 2015 |
Venue: | Madison Square Garden |
City: | New York, New York |
Broadcast: | Pay-Per-View |
Prop Bet
Fight Start Round 3 (-350)
Gennady Golovkin vs. David Lemieux
Gennady Golovkin vs David Lemieux
Lemieux is one tough dude and I expect Golovkin to win the fight but it won't be till the later rounds if he's able to get a finish. Lemieux is not easy at all to finish and this fight could be the fight of the year as both will be throwing a lot of offense dragging it until the later rounds.
Stake: 5%
Fight Start Round 3 - Straight Bet | |
Odds: | -350 |
Risk: | $3500.00 |
To Win: | $1000.00 |
Outcome: | Win |
Gennady Golovkin defeats David Lemieux via